Exports of cocoa, chocolate products rises to RM6.9 bln in 2021 – MCB

image-20220627093053-1Malaysia’s exports of cocoa and chocolate products have increased from RM4.2 billion in 2010 to RM6.9 billion last year, said Malaysian Cocoa Board (MCB) director-general Dr Ramle Kasin.

马来西亚可可局(MCB)总干事 Ramle Kasin 博士表示,马来西亚的可可和巧克力产品出口已从 2010 年的 42 亿令吉增加到去年的 69 亿令吉。


He said the increase was influenced by the rise in the per capita chocolate consumption rate in Asia Pacific countries, which increased from 0.15 kilogrammes (kg) to 0.2 kg during the period.

他说,这一增长受到亚太国家人均巧克力消费率上升的影响,在此期间,人均巧克力消费量从 0.15 公斤增加到 0.2 公斤。


Ramle said this in a speech at the Sabah Cocoa Festival 2022 here on 19th June, which was officiated by Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor.

Ramle 于6 月 19 日在沙巴州首席部长拿督斯里Hajiji Noor主持的 2022 年沙巴可可节上发表讲话时说。


He said the cocoa festival is expected to catalyse the cocoa industry’s growth through the promotion of locally-produced chocolate products and the expansion of the domestic marketing network which would, in turn, increase revenue, market size and variety of cocoa products.



Meanwhile, Hajiji said Sabah -- the country’s main cocoa beans producer -- had exported a total of RM16.16 million of cocoa and cocoa products last year, which includes RM7.72 million worth of chocolate exports.

与此同时,Hajiji表示,沙巴 - 该国主要的可可豆生产商 - 去年共出口了 1616 万令吉的可可和可可产品,其中包括价值 772 万令吉的巧克力出口。


He said Sabah accounted for 59 % of the country's total cocoa bean production, equivalent to 540 tonnes, and accounted for 57 % or about 3,444 hectares of the country's total cocoa plantation area of ​​6,000 hectares.

他说,沙巴占全国可可豆总产量的 59%,相当于 540 吨,占全国可可种植总面积 6,000 公顷的 57%,即约 3,444 公顷。


“Last year, the sales value recorded by chocolate entrepreneurs in Sabah amounted to RM137,487. I hope they will double their efforts so that there will be more downstream cocoa product entrepreneurs in Sabah.

“去年,沙巴州巧克力企业家记录的销售额达到 137,487 令吉。希望他们加倍努力,让沙巴有更多下游的可可产品企业家。


“There are five districts which are active cocoa cultivation areas in Sabah, namely Ranau, Kota Marudu, Tenom, Kota Belud and Tambunan," he said.



Hajiji said apart from the five districts, the state government will also consider helping to expand cultivation areas for entrepreneurs and companies wishing to undertake cocoa cultivation in the state.



The production of cocoa beans in Sabah has helped to meet the demand for premium cocoa beans from bean-to-bar chocolate entrepreneurs (those who process dried cocoa beans to become chocolate products).



These include single-origin chocolate entrepreneurs who produce chocolates made from cocoa beans from only one location, and entrepreneurs producing premium chocolates for niche markets -- makers of high-quality chocolates made in smaller quantities but fetches high prices.



“This means that the downstream cocoa products can have a significant impact on the state’s economy.



“I have been informed that the Sabah downstream cocoa industry currently comprises five chocolate and cocoa confectionery or cocoa-based food companies as well as 32 local chocolate entrepreneurs," he said.

“我获悉,沙巴下游可可产业目前包括五家巧克力和可可糖果或可可食品公司,以及 32 家当地巧克力企业家,”他说。


The chief minister said various strategies are in place to ensure that the cocoa industry remains a competitive and resilient economic sector, in line with the long-term strategy to increase the industry’s contribution to the country's economy and revenue.
